Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Welcome to My ePortfolio!

CHMB42 Winter 2012 Lab Skills Seminar Team
My name is Mario Vargas, and here we have my service learning eportfolio. Contained within the pages of this eportfolio are different aspects of my service learning experiences in this ending session (Winter 2012) at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC). Through the service learning course offered at UTSC, SCIB03H3 (Introduction to Service Learning in the Sciences), I have taken the role of a Lab Skills Seminar (LSS) mentor through one of the in-reach placements in CHMB42H3 (Organic Chemistry II). Working close alongside me were the other LSS mentors, Donald, Natalia, and Taleen. As explained throughout this portfolio, through this placement, I have been able to develop and enhance many important skills that I can carry on with me in my future aspirations.